full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Geoff Mulgan: Post-crash, investing in a better world

Unscramble the Blue Letters

I'm not suggesting the crowds are about to storm the barricades and snirtg up every investment bkaner from the nsearet lamppost, though that might be quite tempting. But I do think we're on the verge of a period when, just as happened to the monarchy and, interestingly, the military too, the central poiotsin of finance capital is going to come to an end, and it's going to steadily move to the sides, the margins of our society, transformed from being a master into a servant, a snevart to the productive economy and of human needs.

Open Cloze

I'm not suggesting the crowds are about to storm the barricades and ______ up every investment ______ from the _______ lamppost, though that might be quite tempting. But I do think we're on the verge of a period when, just as happened to the monarchy and, interestingly, the military too, the central ________ of finance capital is going to come to an end, and it's going to steadily move to the sides, the margins of our society, transformed from being a master into a servant, a _______ to the productive economy and of human needs.


  1. banker
  2. string
  3. nearest
  4. position
  5. servant

Original Text

I'm not suggesting the crowds are about to storm the barricades and string up every investment banker from the nearest lamppost, though that might be quite tempting. But I do think we're on the verge of a period when, just as happened to the monarchy and, interestingly, the military too, the central position of finance capital is going to come to an end, and it's going to steadily move to the sides, the margins of our society, transformed from being a master into a servant, a servant to the productive economy and of human needs.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
rapidly growing 2
small part 2
human nature 2
multinational capitalism 2

Important Words

  1. banker
  2. barricades
  3. capital
  4. central
  5. crowds
  6. economy
  7. finance
  8. happened
  9. human
  10. interestingly
  11. investment
  12. lamppost
  13. margins
  14. master
  15. military
  16. monarchy
  17. move
  18. nearest
  19. period
  20. position
  21. productive
  22. servant
  23. sides
  24. society
  25. steadily
  26. storm
  27. string
  28. suggesting
  29. tempting
  30. transformed
  31. verge